Is Your Guy Really as Woke as He Claims to Be?

So you've finally found someone who seems to check all the boxes - charming, progressive, and socially aware. But before you go falling head over heels, it's important to keep an eye out for any red flags that might indicate they're not as woke as they claim to be. Pay attention to how they talk about marginalized communities, their understanding of privilege, and their commitment to social justice issues. And if you want to learn more about the experiences of LGBTQ individuals in Kentucky, check out this insightful article that unveils their stories and experiences.

In the age of social justice movements and a heightened awareness of inequality, many of us are seeking partners who are not only attractive and kind, but also socially aware and empathetic. However, just because a guy claims to be "woke" doesn't necessarily mean he truly is. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating may not be as socially conscious as he claims to be.

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1. He Doesn't Listen to Your Experiences

One of the key components of being "woke" is being open to hearing about other people's experiences, especially those of marginalized groups. If your guy dismisses or belittles your experiences or concerns, it could be a sign that he's not as socially aware as he claims to be.

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2. He Makes Offensive Jokes

A truly woke individual understands the power of language and avoids making offensive jokes that perpetuate harmful stereotypes. If your guy frequently makes jokes that are sexist, racist, or homophobic, it's a red flag that he may not be as socially conscious as he claims.

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3. He Doesn't Educate Himself

Being "woke" isn't just about talking the talk; it's also about walking the walk. If your guy claims to be socially conscious but doesn't take the time to educate himself about social issues, it's a sign that his awareness may be superficial.

4. He Invalidates Your Feelings

A woke individual acknowledges and validates the feelings of others, especially when those feelings stem from experiences of oppression or discrimination. If your guy consistently invalidates your feelings or dismisses them as unimportant, it's a sign that he may not be as empathetic as he claims.

5. He Only Engages in Performative Activism

Posting a black square on Instagram or attending a single protest does not make someone "woke." True social consciousness involves ongoing, meaningful action to support marginalized communities. If your guy only engages in performative activism for show, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may be shallow.

6. He Doesn't Call Out Problematic Behavior

A woke individual isn't afraid to call out problematic behavior when they see it, even if it comes from friends or family. If your guy stays silent in the face of injustice or even participates in it, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may not be genuine.

7. He Doesn't Support Your Causes

If your guy isn't supportive of the causes that are important to you, whether it's feminism, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, or any other social issue, it's a sign that he may not be as socially conscious as he claims to be.

8. He Doesn't Challenge His Privilege

Being woke involves acknowledging one's privilege and actively working to dismantle systems of oppression. If your guy is unwilling to challenge his own privilege or is defensive when it's brought up, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may be lacking.

9. He Gaslights You

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse in which someone manipulates another person into questioning their own reality. If your guy gaslights you when you try to discuss social issues or experiences of discrimination, it's a sign that he may not be as empathetic or understanding as he claims.

10. He Prioritizes His Comfort Over Your Safety

A woke individual prioritizes the safety and well-being of others, especially those from marginalized communities. If your guy prioritizes his own comfort over your safety or well-being, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may not be genuine.

11. He Doesn't Respect Your Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is essential in any healthy relationship, and it's especially important when discussing sensitive social issues. If your guy consistently crosses your boundaries when discussing social justice or refuses to respect them, it's a sign that his awareness may be superficial.

12. He Doesn't Take Accountability

A woke individual takes accountability for their mistakes and actively works to do better. If your guy consistently deflects blame or refuses to take accountability for his actions, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may be lacking.

13. He Doesn't Empower You

A woke partner empowers and uplifts their significant other, especially when it comes to navigating experiences of oppression or discrimination. If your guy doesn't actively support and empower you in these situations, it's a sign that his social consciousness may be lacking.

14. He Doesn't Seek Out Diverse Perspectives

Being woke involves actively seeking out diverse perspectives and learning from those with different lived experiences. If your guy doesn't make an effort to diversify his social circle or educate himself about the experiences of others, it's a sign that his awareness may be superficial.

15. He Doesn't Show Genuine Empathy

Empathy is a key component of social consciousness, and a truly woke individual demonstrates genuine empathy towards others. If your guy lacks empathy or tries to invalidate the experiences of marginalized communities, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may not be genuine.

In conclusion, being "woke" is about more than just using the right buzzwords or appearing socially conscious. It's about actively working to understand and dismantle systems of oppression, and supporting and empowering marginalized communities. If the guy you're dating exhibits any of these signs, it may be time to reevaluate whether he truly aligns with your values and commitment to social justice. Remember, true wokeness is demonstrated through actions, not just words.